C Y B E R M O N D A Y D E A L S E X P I R I N G T H I S W E D N E S D A Y ! ! !
Hey Everyone.
I made a huge mistake! I messed around and set my CYBER MONDAY DEALS to expire on Wednesday!! Oh me, Oh my! What does that mean for you..... HUGE SAVINGS.. Starting right now, CYBER MONDAY DEALS expire in 72 hours... yep, that's right. My mistake your benefit.
P R E - P A Y your 2022 Tax Preparation Services and get 40% off. Let me show you how...
Cyber Monday-Wednesday ONLY - 40% off any Tax Preparation Service
20% off D.E.F.Y. Everyday (Coilbound Only) 2023 Calendar Planners & Journals Click here.
FREE Gift The 2022 Estimated Income Tax Calculator Click Here.
Join the Waitlist. Survive. Thrive. Scale Up Your Business Program. Click Here.
Ohhhhh yeah............. baby! Take Advantage of All The Savings. Click on the Buttons Below to Buy Yours Now.
Student File Tax Prep
Single File Tax Prep
Married File Tax Prep
Small Business Tax Prep
Small Biz Bundle Tax Prep
But wait, I'm not quite done just yet.... Please except my FREE GIFT...

The 2022 Estimated Tax Calculator
I aim to please! So much has happened this year with so many of us, I just want to make sure that you all have a clear picture on where you are financially, when it comes to your income taxes.
This Estimated Tax Calculator can paint a simple picture of the taxes you should be or have yet to withhold to put you and/or your family in a decent position come tax time. This Excel-Based Calculator is only to be used as an estimate, and does not consider other factors such as dependents, itemizations, mortgages, student loans, interest, or even child tax credits.
If in fact you are eligible for any of those credits, and more not even mentioned, then that will put you in a better financial position.
So, go get your paycheck stubs, and plug away! Small Business, not leaving you out, go head and add up those many sales receipts, and lets get to pluggin away too.
Click here to download your calculator now.
As always, if you need to chat, schedule some time with me. Click Here to Schedule Your Appointment. ~

P.S. - Stay Tuned For my Huge Announcement! More to come...