Hey Tonya
I am sooooo soooo sooooo very sorry!!! I attached the incorrect newsletter. Please find the correct newsletter by clicking here. This will give you several updates relating to the 2021 tax filing season! Answer much deserved questions and have you ready and feeling good about your 2022 outlook.
I honestly hope you and your loved one's are still staying safe!
Remember, January 24, 2022 kicked off the IRS acceptance of tax returns. Not ready, and won't be ready by April 18? Request a File Extension. Sign up so we can get your request for extension filed today.
Click here to download your copy of the January 2022 Newsletter and a free Tax Prep Checklist for Individuals and Small Businesses.
Talk to you soon!

P. S. DCG has a NEW private FB Group - Startup & Small Business Financial Management (FM) Success Lounge. Here we share FM tidbits, education, conversation, and a safe place to chill and get your FM dial tuned up. Please join our community. Click here to Join the private FB group. Share with others. Help us get to 100 members. And if you're not a new startup or small business, it's okay, join and become inspired to start your own business or share with someone who is. We'd love to have you all!
P.P.S. DEFY Consulting Group has lounged its D.E.F.Y. Everyday Collection of productivity products. It's not too late to get your 2022 Calendar Planner or your DEFY Everyday Journal on Amazon or LuLu. Hurry before we run out, I have limited amounts left!!!!! We're in the studio creating our next project - The Spring Edition. More to come really soon.
P.P.P.S - One last thing... Do you want to PREPAY YOUR TAX PREP SERVICES? Click the links below:
1. Individual 2. Married Filing Joint 3. Student 4. Small Business 5. Small Business Bundle